Thursday, 26 May 2016


Another round of quotes from Uncle Bob that will leave you in stitches. Eloquent and never afraid to speak his mind regardless of who he is adressing. Africa will surely remember Robert Mugabe.
1) "Some women's legs are like rumors, they just keep on spreading".
2) "It's hard to bewitch African girls these days because each time you take a piece from her hair to the witch doctor, either a Brazilian innocent woman gets mad or a factory in China catches fire".
3) "If you are ugly; you are ugly - stop talking about inner beauty because we don't walk around with X-rays".
4) "Dear sister, don't be deceived by a man who text you "I miss you" only when it's raining. You are not an umbrella".
5) "Check your girlfriend's body, if she has more tattoos or piercings, you can cheat on her. She is already used to pain.
6) "Dating a slim or slender guy is cool. The problem is when you are lying on his chest then his ribs draw adidas lines on your face".
7) "It's better for a man to be stingy with the money he has hustled for, than for a woman to deny you a hole that she didn't even drill it herself.
8) "Some of you girls can't even jog
for 5 minutes but expect a guy to last in bed with you for 2hours??? Your level of selfishness demands a one week crusade".
9) "If your girlfriend/boyfriend has not taken a picture with you before just make that request and stop forcing Photo Grid to bring you together.
10) "God is the best inventor ever. He took a rib from a man and created a loudspeaker".
11) "If women think having their period (menstruation) in a whole month is a difficult task, they should ask the men how difficult is it to control an erected Penis in public."But this time he hits the jackpot...

12) "Swimming pool is much more useful than the Liverpool football club".

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