Nairobi senator Mike Sonko has issued a statement regarding his supposed defection from Jubilee to Cord.
In a post on his Facebook page, Sonko said the alleged defection was a baseless allegation by his ‘political detractors’.
“My attention has been drawn to claims that I have finally defected from TNA (Jubilee Alliance) to Orange Democratic Movement (Cord). I wish to take this early opportunity to categorically deny such baseless claims and which can only be part of propaganda machine working for my political detractors,” he said.
He added, “That news making the rounds and going viral in the internet and published online that I have defected is not only mischievous but malicious and absolute nonsense intended to tarnish my good image. The report is false and malicious propaganda of busy bodies aimed at confusing my supporters and the great people of Nairobi.”
Sonko said this is not the first time such propaganda is being spread against him as at the beginning there were claims that he was fighting the so-called Mount Kenya Mafia then followed by claims that he was dead and most recently that he is fighting President Uhuru Kenyatta.
“These claims are only meant to slow down my campaigns for the Nairobi gubernatorial race in 2017 but whatever nature of propaganda they use will not stop me from exercising my democratic right. My respect for President Uhuru Kenyatta is unmatched; I have always respected him and his Government and will continue doing so despite the smear campaign to portray me as a political rebel and party hopper who lacks respect for the President,” the statement added.
He said those using propaganda to humiliate and threaten his loyalty to Uhuru and Jubilee are daydreamers ‘who have failed to understand the politics of today but are still stuck with the old political styles’.
“I wish to further state that my dream to vie for the Nairobi gubernatorial seat is alive and kicking and no amount of threats and intimidation will force me to step down or withdraw from the race for any candidate. It will be the Jubilee voters who will decide at the nomination stage who will fly the flag,” Sonko said.
He dismissed that the internet story as the creation of his opponents’ propaganda machine spreading lies and outright falsehood rather than delivering services to the people of Nairobi.
Sonko asked the public to ignore the ill-intended story by ‘manner-less liars’.