Wednesday 30 March 2016

Jubilee MP says RAILA is ahead of UHURU in opinion polls and AMBITHO is dreaming.

A prominent Jubilee Alliance MP has said that the recent opinion poll conducted by Infotrak is fake because CORD leader, Raila Odinga’s popularity is surging as President Uhuru Kenyatta’s popularity dwindles.

Speaking on Monday, Nandi Hills MP, Dr Alfred Keter, said the poll which placed the President as having grown in popularity was not in accordance with the feelings of the people on the ground.

Keter said that the feeling of discontent about the Jubilee Government is so big to the extent that doctoring opinion polls will not help their cause.

“The polls are not a reflection of what is going on when you visit the ground,” Keter said.

"Whether the polls are true or not, the President and the DP are more unpopular on the ground as compared to where they were three years ago," Keter added.

An Infotrak poll placed the President on a 45 percent approval rating with the CORD leader on 27 percent.

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