Thursday 31 March 2016


Nyawira Edwin Kabiru a third year student in Moi University Main Campus, School of Arts and Social Sciences taking BA (Kiswahili) popularly known as Kartel was found dead this morning around 'C Houses' under unknown circumstances. This happens after a student was murdered by fellow students in a mob for allegedly stealing a laptop just a day before.
Students recently jumped through hostel windows injuring themselves over fear of Al-Shabaab attack that turned out to be an electric fault that caused explosions. In this incident 21 students were injured and rushed to Moi Teaching and Referral hospital in Eldoret Town.
The same day students were going to visit a friend who had been admitted in Moi Teaching and Refferal Hospital when they had an accident leading to the death of one student and injuring several others.
In Moi University Town Campus, a first year killed a fourth year stabbing him several times in a love triangle.

Has the angel of death camped at Moi university?
Moi University students are now a worried lot over the now frequent deaths in their campus.

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