Friday, 11 December 2015


1." KSh. 53 billion Laptop tendering rejected by court, whereabout of money already allocated by parliament unknown.
2. KSh314.2 billion Standard Guage Tendering (shrouded inflated Chinese
single sourcing).
3. KSh475billion Irregular Lamu Coal project award (a company that did not
even submit a proposal at the RFP stage).
4. Ksh10billion GDC tendering scandal.
5. K Sh55.6 billion JKIA New Terminal irregular tendering through KAA.
6. GDC 60Billion failed oil drill well
7. Chicken gate IEBC scandal kshs 50M.
8. Weston Hotel primary school land grab.
9. Lamu irregular land allocations revealed by post al shabaab terror attack investigations.
10. KSh. 8billion Karen Land saga involving 40mps.
11. Ksh38Billion medical import irregular leasing.
12. Parliamentary Accounts Committee.
13. Mara Narok 4.5Billion KAPS Revenue collection scandal (Ruto).
14. 15Billion CCTV Single sourced to Safaricom.
15. 1.3Billion irregular drug haul ship explosion.
16. 22 Dead Sheikhs in Mombasa killed
extrajudicially by Kenyan security forces
(ref Al Jazeera).
17. Kshs 100million hustlers jet.
18. Uhuru Angloleasing kshs 3Billion payout reward.
19. The forced digital migration and secret.
PANG 10% local shareholding muscling
into projected $550M revenue inadvertising next year.
20. Goodyear convicted in the USA for 1.5 Billion and 135Million bribes to senior
government officials.
21. Billions unaccounted in various ministries - Auditor General's report.
22. UKUTABerg scandal -
Kenya - Somalia border wall.
23. 800M NYS saga.
24. Galana irrigation scheme scandal.
Those in the offing.
25. Eurobond saga.
26. Waitiki Likoni land saga.
27. Kamlesh pattni's shops payment saga."

see also

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