Tuesday 8 December 2015


1.Always take warm water to the bathroom for your man and if possible stand there and help to wash areas he cannot reach.
2.Select the clothes that he has to wear and help him dress like socks and the coat.
3. Iron for ua husband for him to be smart n this is where many women fails.
4.Be with him when he is taking his breakfast and if its hot,make it cool for him.
5.See him out and make sure he went the direction he goes or he has boarded the vehicle safely and after some time,be kind enough to ask if he arrived safely,
6.In the house always check on him for example if he takes long in the toilet find out why.
7.On the dining table with other children,make sure he eats enough meals that are balanced.
8.Its the responsibility of the woman to cut nails and normal grooming like unwanted hair.
9.The Woman should make sure that the Man never sit in the house when watching TV with clothes that he went to work with,give him loose clothes lest he is tempted to go out again……
10.every night when the rest of the household is asleep,he must feed on nyonyo , it calms the stressful day he had,he feels at home and loved. 

 Kilimani Mums

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