Monday 4 April 2016


A section of State House road and Uhuru highway  have been blocked after University of Nairobi students go on rampage protesting the outcome of students’ union elections.

Most students were puzzled by Babu Owino's win because Mike Jacobs was leading in all campuses by midnight Friday. "We don't know how Owino won the elections because the other candidate was ahead all the time," said one student. The elections, which ended at around 5pm on Friday, saw heavy presence of anti-riot police who ensured peaceful elections in all voting centres. In the recent past University of Nairobi students have expressed concern over Babu's leadership style linking him to hooliganism after a video of him harassing his closest rival Mike Jacobs surfaced.  Jacobs was in his camp in the past contests before he decided to oppose him. Owino has already been sworn in as SONU chairman. He enjoys the support of the university administration.

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