Thursday, 30 June 2016


More Kalenjin youths living around Nairobi area has today visited Orange house crying fall of mistreatment by the Jubilee administration.This has led to many of the youths defecting from Jubilee to CORD as they believe and have faith in Raila Odinga as a stateman who does not believe in malignment and discrimination of a particular tribe.In their statement regarding their defect, They had this press statement,
"For the past one month, members of the Kalenjin Community have been left in a state of suspended animation with regard to the political future of the community.
Statements have been thrown left, right and centre by notable persons holding positions of influence all aimed at sending signals that we as Kalenjin community are not guaranteed their support in the 2022 general election.
As the great philosopher Mark Twain once said “If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.” First it was political activist Mr. Tony Gachoka who sparked the controversy. We thought he was joking. Then came Kiambu Governor Mr. William Kabogo with similar sentiments and now a TNA nominated Senator Mr. Paul Njoroge. We know the game. We can’t wait to be humiliated at the eleventh hour. Waswahili husema, AKUFUKUZAYE HAKWAMBII TOKA.
We want to state here that we were in ODM. We were the founder members of the ODM party. We were misled to leave the party in 2013 because of one’s selfish interests. We were promised heaven, only to be subjected to hell. These three years have been like persevering an abusive marriage.
We don’t want to be hurt anymore. We have decided to come back home. We know, it is only through ODM that our community can get power once more. We therefore undertake to mobilize support for the Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga in the entire Rift Valley region for the 2017 general election.
We are now convinced that the Jubilee alliance is between individuals and not communities. We must choose to stand up and be counted. We want to be on the right side of history."

Thursday, 16 June 2016


We wish to draw the attention of Kenyans and the international community to the crisis of governance that is taking roots in our country.
This crisis is taking the form of a slow but steady slide to dictatorship through a crackdown on free speech in the name of national security and public order.
The move has taken a more ominous turn as the government has struggled to prevent the release and dissemination of incriminating evidence concerning corruption involving top government officials.
The efforts have included the push to undermine the independence of the judiciary, to stifle freedom of the media, and the peddling of various conspiracy theories to blackmail and silence critical voices.
One such conspiracy theory came from the Ministry of Interior a few weeks ago that CORD is working with regional states to destabilize the country, a claim that has never been substantiated and for which no one has been arrested and charged. We have seen new, restrictive moves against social media activists in ways that are undoubtedly authoritarian and repressive.
This pattern is definitely a hint of desperation. But it poses grave danger to our stability and basic and fundamental freedoms as we race towards election in a year’s time and well into the future. Some of what we are witnessing amount to the suspension of the constitution, illegal declaration of state of emergency and emergence of rule by decree.
Kenya is sliding into a society in which the government is directly threatening opposition politicians, depriving them of freedom of speech and assembly in public and other places, as well as fabricating trumped up charges against opposition leaders. Persistent threats have become everyday things in the life of the opposition. Everybody who calls for accountability, equity, fairness in government immediately becomes an enemy of the regime.
A few days ago a Member of Parliament called for Rt. Hon Raila Odinga’s assassination. In Nakuru, a Member of Parliament called for the forceful eviction and relocation of members of other communities from the town and its environs. In both cases, the Jubilee regime saw no need to act, until our members protested.
Then the Members of Parliament who called on the State to guarantee the security of all Kenyans and challenged the President to play his rightful role as everyone’s president became accused of hate speech. Together with their colleagues whom they had complained against, they have been held incommunicado, essentially unofficially detained without trial.
We are not going to waste time blaming individual leaders and institutions of government. The current state of the arbitrary exercise of power and disregard of democratic principles falls on the feet of the President.
The author of the political repression and reckless violation of the Rule of Law and the Bill of Rights is the tenant at State House. He has transformed the police force into a personal militia ever on the ready to interfere with legitimate political activity and encouraged the subversion of constitutional organs ranging from the Judiciary, Parliament and independent office and commissions.
Under the circumstances, CORD demands the immediate release of all its members of Parliament without charge or any other conditions failure of which we shall undertake the following:
1. We will resume our national demonstrations and protests on Monday, 20th June, 2016.
2. We will cease all engagements in dialogue in respect of IEBC and instead intensify the demonstrations and protests.
3. We will declare the CORD legislators to be political prisoners and hold a public meeting and a vigil at the Freedom Corner on Saturday, 18th June, 2016.
4. We shall hold a prayer service for our political prisoners in Machakos town on Sunday 19th June, 2016.

Saturday, 11 June 2016


Nyanza has never ever requested for food aid despite all former Presidents trying to grind it down to poverty due to its stand on democratic rights of all Kenyans, North Eastern and Eastern leads in food aid.
Nyanza has the least cases of bizarre killings, Central leads.
Nyanza has the least drug abuse prevalence levels, Central leads.
Nyanza has the least number of rape cases, Central leads.
Nyanza has the least number of bestiality cases, Central leads.
Nyanza has the least number of mentally deranged persons, Western leads.
Nyanza has the least rate of crime, Central leads.
Nyanza has the least rate of jigger infestation, Central leads.
Nyanza has least numbers of inter clan clashes, North Eastern leads.
Nyanza has the least number of hunger caused deaths, Rift Valley leads.
Nyanza has made the highest contribution for the political reforms in this country, Central has done the greatest damage.
Nyanza has professional clergies, pastors and Bishops , Central leads with conmen in disguise of Bishops clergies etc including Cardinal Njue who supports impunity, corruption and oppression.
Nyanza has respectable churches , central leads with funny churches
Nyanza has no cases of Shosho rapes, Central leads.
Nyanza has the least land grabs and the least IDPs, Central leads.
Nyanza has the least number of Chokoras, Nairobi leads and most of them are from Central.
Nyanza has the least cases of gay men, Central leads.
Nyanza has the least cases of prostitutes, Nairobi leads and most of them are from Central.
Nyanza men have no problem with infertility due to alcoholism, Central leads with infertile men due to alcoholism, according to Mututho and NACADA.
Yes Nyanza leads in Aids cases, But Central is second according to IRIN humanitarian and analysis ( a service of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs).
Nyanza, Western and Rift Valley lead in sportsmen representing Kenya locally and internationally and showing the country in the right picture/light, Central has the least number of people putting the country in the right light and more so the least sportsmen.
Nyanza leads in literacy and learned people despite successive governments neglect and ethnic discrimination. , Central has one of the least levels of literacy despite having 3 Presidents and rich people able to invest in education of the region.
Nyanza has the least cases of men beaten by their wives, Central leads.
What did I leave out?

Thursday, 9 June 2016


It’s time
It’s time for you to step down and let the country move forward, how many more people shall die, get injured, businesses destroyed?
There are serious doubts over IEBC’s ability to preside over a free election in this country, without the results being clouded with doubts.
It you have not noticed the political debate is no longer about whether you will leave but the mechanics of your exit and how to replace you.
Forget the politics; forget the protests-the ultimate truth is your exit is already a foregone conclusion. It is a matter of when not if.
Do the honourable thing. EXIT
Save the government the tear gas and the bullets; save the protesters the energy and tears and the country the pointless drama.
Do the honourable thing. EXIT
Put country first; The country is Greater.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016


According to a post in social Media, 
Ababu was PAID millions of shillings to weaken ODM from inside and eventually hand over ODM to Ruto. This was when he was known in ODM circles as a MOLE. He however failed miserably to do so in Kasarani during ODM National Elections in 2014 when MIB saved the situation. His "team fresh" was defeated. He was given millions of shillings plus a helicopter and property as pre-payment by Ruto to do all this work. We have seen an increase in Ababu's financial and property portfolio with him now owning among others a Karen home worth over Kshs 250million. If he succeeded, much more cash and other things was promised to follow. He was also promised to deputise Ruto in Ruto's quest for the presidency on condition that he delivers the Luhya votes in one bloc due to the rich luhya voting bloc. Ababu is now in a big dilemma on how to move on politically. On one side, he has been given this great position of Sec. Gen. by Baba and on the other hand, he owes DP Ruto millions of shillings which if he openly and loudly goes against Ruto, he will be compelled to pay back ASAP as he did not deliver on his promise.

Friday, 3 June 2016


We have since Friday, May 27, 2016 been unable to reach you on your respective cellphones. Be that as it may, and in line with Article 35 of the Constitution, we hereby request to hear from you urgently regarding the following matters;
  1. University Council Membership 
  • The resignation of Dr Betty Gikonyo and Mr Joseph Dena. In particular, the resignation letter of Mr Dena to Education Cabinet Secretary on November 25, 2015 raises fundamental questions of non-compliance with the law. What action was taken as a result – to professionalize the operations of the Council?
  • Why are two members, being public servants at the Teachers Service Commission and Moi University, continuing to sit on the UoN Council contrary to the circular by Chief of Staff and Head of the Public Service dated February 3, 2016?
  • Whether or not Dr Sanjay Advani is a Kenyan national and if yes, provide a copy of his national ID and or his Passport.
  • Why the Chairman of University Council, himself with uncleared graft allegations against him at the National Museums of Kenya, sits as Chairman of the University of Nairobi Enterprise Services Ltd – a clear conflict of interest.
  • Why Prof Peter Mulwa Felix Mbithi, Vice Chancellor, attended (and later excused himself) the special meeting of the UoN Council held on Monday, May 23rd at 7.30 am in the Council Chambers to consider the disciplinary case of Prof Bernard N.K Njoroge, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Finance) when he is an obvious interested party in the matter. It was the only agenda. 
  • Whether the allegations of the said special UoN Council meeting, as recorded under Minute 5(a) and as read together with Minute 5(c) constitute gross misconduct threshold sufficient to have high ranking officer, in the history of the UoN, to be recommended for sacking “with immediate effect”.
  • Why there appears to be a dysfunctional Council between members listed in Minute 5(c) and those under Minute 5(d) of the special UoN Council meeting
  • Why on many occasions, the Vice Chancellor has been communicating directly to the DVC(A&F) supposedly on behalf of the UoN Council when the said Prof Mbithi is an interested party in the said disciplinary process.
  • Whether it was the said DVC (A&F) who may have “leaked the minutes of the special UoN Council as to occasion the erroneous reporting in the “Saturday Nation” of May 28, 2016 which article alleged that DVC(A&F) had been sacked. An ambiguous retraction by the UoN via a paid advertisement on Sunday, May 29, 2016 could not elaborate clearly on an issue of such immense public interest. 
  1. Appointment and Terms of Service of DVC (A&F) 
  • According to the appointment letter by CS for Education Prof Jacob T. Kaimenyi of April 30, 2016 it was stated that the “terms and conditions of the service shall be provided for in the contract document provided by the Council of the University”. Are the said terms determined by the Council and or Statute V? If no/yes, what is the process and frequency of amending the said terms between various office holders of the office of the DVC (A&F)?
  • In the letter of November 27, 2015 suspending DVC(A&F) under Ref: CoC/06/27112015, Chairman of Council stated that the said DVC (A&F) will only be entitled to house and medical allowances. Is this the standard rate of entitlements for staff on suspension, particularly as provided for by the Employment Act and related labour laws? Were the said allowances ever paid?
  • The Chairman of Council letter to the DVC(A&F) of August 10, 2015 under subject “Gross Misconduct/Show Cause Letter” appears to suggest that the said DVC (A&F) ought to comply with all instructions of the Vice Chancellor. Does that requirement include unlawful and unethical instructions as long as they are issued by VC to the said DVC(A&F)?
  • The “Cappings of the University Expenditure”, letter dated August 3, 2015 by the Vice Chancellor to the said DVC (A&F) are in sharp contrast with the bold notes on all UoN payment vouchers which state that either the DVC/VC can approve amounts “over Sh100,000”. 
  1. Expenditures – Process and Approvals 
  • What is the policy on “Accountable advance” eg the case in which the Estates Manager vide Internal Memo of May 21, 2015 seeks Sh200,000 for assorted items for the Vice Chancellor’s Mandera Road official residence? This is in addition to Sh6,000,000 for furniture? Why should such items be procured through restricted tendering?
  • Why regular consultancy payments to one Prof Timothy Waema, a staff at UoN, e.g his July 13, 2015 memo to DVC(AA) under Ref SCI/APM/TMW was Sh400,000 for (eight days!) alleged development of a “strategic plan for Mombasa Law Campus”. Can one person purport to put up a strategic plan? How is expertise related to the law school? 
  1. University Expenses on Rattansi Education Trust “donated office” 
The internal memo from UoN Estates Manager directly to the Vice Chancellor on July 27, 2015 under Ref UoN/CA/EST sought permission, which was approved by the same Vice Chancellor on July 28, 2015, to spend Sh1,666,800 on alleged repairs on an office donated by the Trust. Incidentally, Vijoo Rattansi is the Chancellor of the University. On what basis was the costly offer accepted? Why was the “Advancement Directorate” placed out of the University premises? Was it a lease and or under what circumstances was the arrangement agreed to? Again, why and on what basis was one Brian, a PA to the Chancellor appointed Deputy Director of the said “Advancement Directorate”? What was the role of the said “Directorate” and when did the University Senate approve its’ creation? We have since spoken to Ms Rattansi but her responses were not sufficient.
  1. Vice Chancellor’s Hotel Expenses in Machakos 
Why and how did the University of Nairobi pay Gelian Hotel in Machakos County Sh30,000 per night for the Vice Chancellor for use of what the hotel calls “Presidential Suite” when the SRC limit for the Vice Chancellor’s equivalent of Job Group “U” is much less? 
  1. Cow gifts to various state/public officers 
Why did a Farm Manager Dr T.O Abuom at the UoN College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences (CAVs) write directly to a Finance Manager at Main Campus on February 9, 2016? Where was the Principal, CAVs? The Vice Chancellor approved the same on February 23, 2016. According to Invoice No. 27010 of UNES of January 22, 2015 the University paid Sh100,000 each for 2 Freshian cows and Sh90,000 each for 2 Ayrshire cows at a total of Sh380,000.
Why were the University funds used to procure the cows “gifts” for what was announced as ‘personal gifts” from the Vice Chancellor on the January 14, 2015 event? We have since spoken to former Education Cabinet Secretary Prof Jacob Kaimenyi who denied having ever received a cow. Former Vice Chancellor Prof George Magoha confirmed, without giving the exact number of the said cows, although he reported that they all died. How many, if any, were retained by the Vice Chancellor?
  1. Double Payments for Per Diems by and for Vice Chancellor 
A memo by Prof Isaac Kibwage, Principal CHS to Vice Chancellor dated September 3, 2015 under Ref: UON/CHS/OBS&GYNAE-PRIME-K/7/3/2 asked for approval of US$11,176 to the Vice Chancellor for the both to travel to US for an event the University of Washington, Department of Global Health confirmed by its letter dated July 27, 2015 to have fully paid for.
The same letter is actually addressed to Vice Chancellor Prof Peter Mulwa Felix Mbithi. It states in part thus: “Your accommodation while in Seattle will be at Hotel Decca which is within walking distance of the University of Washington. All travel related expenses (airfare, accommodation, ground transportation and per diem) for your visit are covered by Partnership for Innovative Medical Education in Kenya, a grant funded by PEPFAR and the US National Institutes of Health”. 
  1. Conflict of Interest by VC Relative of University Health Services 
Catherine Mawia Musyoka, a niece of the Vice Chancellor, was a clinical officer at the University Health Services until April 2015 when she was appointed to position of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Coordinator. She is said to have used her position to benefit herself. She is alleged to have been influencing referrals to an Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation  facility at Syokimau, Mlolongo in which she holds interests. The University was to pay her firm Fountain of Hope Treatment Centre Sh1,306,201. Sh399,000 was already paid. Even when the Chief Security Officer, confirmed the conflict of interest, the surcharge is yet to be made and no disciplinary action to date has been commenced. Please confirm why. When reached on phone for clarification Ms Musyoka, declined to confirm or deny the allegations.
  1. Huge Telephone Bills By the Vice Chancellor 
It is striking that the Vice Chancellor spends as much as Sh333,181 on phone. This is an example of how much he spent between October 1 – 31, 2015 on his personal line 0721214*** with roaming charges amounting to Sh253,624.87. This can only confirm that the Vice Chancellor spends too much time out of the country and or that he hardly delegates to the extent that he must be called on every occasion by too many staff. In the event his instruction limiting the DVC(A&F) to Sh100,000 approvals, does again expect himself to approve outrageous telephone bills of Sh333,181 on personal phone to himself?
  1. Double Standards in Handling Staff Welfare Issues 
The unceremonial termination of duties by the Vice Chancellor (personally) on Chief Legal Officer Rebecca Ngondo; Chief Internal Auditor Peter Igiria and Finance Officer Michael Karue is in sharp contrast how the questionable contract extension for Dean of Students Dr (Fr) Wamugunda was handled.
On January 5, 2015 DVC (AA) Prof Henry W. Mutoro asked Dr (Fr) Wamugunda to retire by July 9, 2016 owing to his attainment of the 60 years mandatory retirement age. In unclear circumstances, the Vice Chancellor received a fresh memo from Administration Registrar (a G.P Mbugua) requesting him to approve an additional 10 years so Dr (Fr) Wamugunda retires at 70 years. In essence Mbugua went against his own recommendation – of September 5, 2015 then addressed to DVC (A&F). Note that his latest memo was addressed directly to the Vice Chancellor.
As expected, the Vice Chancellor swiftly “approved” the same on March 9, 2015. In a fairly embarrassing development, DVC (AA) Prof Henry W. Mutoro turned against his letter of January 5, 2015 and re-addressed Dr (Fr) Wamugunda on March 17, 2015 under Ref: CN/17695/173 this time claiming thus:
“After due consideration, and owing to the teaching workload you are engaged in, it has been decided (by the Vice Chancellor) that your retirement age shall be seventy (70) years. Therefore you will retire from the service of the University of Nairobi on July 9, 2026 and not July 9, 2016 as earlier communicated”.
  1. Tender for Outsourcing Private Security Services 
Tender was awarded at a cost of Sh6,990, 000 per month to Lavington Security Ltd on September 30, 2015. This was immediately varied by 74.5% to Sh12,200,000 per month. The maximum allowable variation is 10%. 
  1. Award of Fire Insurance Cover Tender to Amaco Insurance 
On October 14, 2014 UoN Tender Committee awarded various companies. They were however cancellations on allegations that there was a leakage of awards and existing firms were extended to continue up to October 31, 2014. At this point then DVC (A&F) and current Vice Chancellorwas Chairman of Central Tender Committee. At this point Amaco Insurance was not listed because it had been discovered that one of the its’ directors was a member of the Kenya Universities and Colleges Placement Board. The tender was re-advertised. A technical evaluation was done by a Committee chaired by George Omondi. It was later presented to Tender Committee chaired by Prof Peter Kobonyo which awarded the tender to Kenyan Alliance insurance companyfor Sh31 million. It is alleged the Vice Chancellor declined to sign the offer/award letter and reportedly summoned the Technical Evaluation Committee to repeat the evaluation . The award was made to Amaco Insurance.
Even as the UoN Council has showed excessive enthusiasm in acting against its’ DVC (A&F), it is evident that it continues to turn a blind eye to the massive governance, corruption and other related scandals. It is on this basis that note as follows;
  • A comprehensive response on the matters raised herein (please not that they are not exhaustive)
  • That the University of Nairobi be notified that Cofek may proceed to Court, at its’ discretion, if it concludes that the University Vice Chancellor and Chairman of Council continues to remain uncooperative – in their evident unwillingness to respond to our calls
  • That University of Nairobi is not exempt from the rule of law and in particular Articles 4(2), 10, 35, 46, 75 and 232 and indeed the entire Constitution.
  • That the University procurement, tendering and staff welfare matters ought to undergo an independent forensic audit. 
By copy, the Cabinet Secretary for Education is requested to note and act accordingly. Thank you.
For the record, Cofek office received a call from one John Orindi styling claiming to be University of Nairobi Public Relations Officer (never mind his bad personal PR) demanding to know the mandate of Cofek. He was asked to request his seniors to respond to our letter of May 30, 2016

Thursday, 2 June 2016


Some facts of Hon Babu Owino:
1 - when he was 10ys, Babu decided to live
by himself. And his parents just moved to
another house.
2 - Babu lost the virginity even before his
3 - some day Babu did a test in a lie detector
machine. The machine confessed everything.
4 - when Babu was young, his parents used
to sleep on his bed when they were scared.
5 - When Babu goes to your place to visit
you, you're the guest.
6- the father's name of Babu is Babu
7 - someday Babu passed a red light and the
police stopped his car. Babu charged the
8 - Babu helped the nurses when he was
9 - Babu never lies. The truth is that is
10 - when Alexander Graham Bell created the
telephone, he already had three missed calls
of Babu .
11- The oxygen needs Babu to survive.
12 - is impossible to Babu to have a heart
attack. Nothing is stupid enough to attack
Babu .
13 - In the school teachers used to raise the
hand to talk with Babu .
14 - someday Babu missed two days in a row
in the school. Later on, these days were called
Saturday and Sunday.
15 - someday Babu arrived late in the school.
The other students were penalised because
they arrived too early.

WAS IT GOING TO BE A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CITY PASTOR counting heavy losses after losing battle for Uhuru Park Posted on Jun 2, 2016

Nairobi preacher Lucy wa Ngunjiri is coming to terms with the cost of losing a protracted battle with Opposition leaders over the use of Uhuru Park on Madaraka Day.
The preacher, who doubles up as a vernacular radio presenter at Kameme FM, had spent heavily to book and prepare the venue for a prayer rally organised by her Prayers Beyond Boundaries Ministries.
But the Nairobi City County government nullified her booking at the last minute despite receiving payment for the venue and issuing a receipt.
County Secretary Dr Robert Ayisi later explained that the church had paid the money before their request could be formally approved. He said Cord was the one granted official permission to use the venue for their Madaraka Day rally.
“She booked this venue in early May and everything was going on as planned until the Cord politicians came in with force to disrupt all this,” Kiharu MP Irungu Kang’ata had said on Thursday in support of the church.
Tanzanian gospel musician Rose Muhando was among a group of foreign and local based artistes who had confirmed attendance at the event.
Preacher Lucy wa Ngunjiri had also partly paid several service providers, including security personnel, ushers and decorators who were to set up and prepare the dias.
The National Security Advisory Committee at one point banned the planned Uhuru Park rally citing security threats posed by the double booking of the venue by Cord and the Prayer Beyond Boundaries Ministries.
Government spokesman Eric Kiraithe explained that the decision to ban the rally was meant to ensure public safety in Nairobi and across the country .